Let’s Play: You Decide invites children on an adventure through a series of fun, interactive and educational activities.
The Alexa application, known as a voice skill, allows users to take part in three awesome adventures voiced by Let’s Play presenters Sid and Rebecca. Alexa will transport the user to a new world where children can decide which role they want to play when they say “Alexa, Let’s Play: You Decide”. In the first free instalment, known as the “Emergency Pack”, they can step into the shoes of a Police Officer, Doctor or Firefighter and experience a day-in-the-life of these brave keyworkers.
The game encourages children to move their bodies, improve their listening skills and teaches them the importance of helping those in need. They can help Dr. Rebecca get patients back to health in the hospital and learn about the sound of a heartbeat. They can lend the Fire Department a helping hand and help Rebecca and the Chief Fire Officer put out a fire. Or maybe take on the role of a Police Officer and help Officer Sid find a lost cat.
In the US, Let’s Play: You Decide also makes use of In-Skill Purchasing, allowing parents to purchase expansion packs which contain new and exciting adventures. On launch, there will be 2 new packs available to buy, the Explorer Pack and the History Pack. The Explorer Pack gives children the chance to explore space as an Astronaut, dive deep into the ocean as a Submarine Captain or become a Jungle Explorer. In The History Pack, travel back in time as a Viking, take on a noble quest as a Medieval Knight or discover buried treasure as a Pirate.
Voice app development agency FX Digital developed this Alexa skill with the team at Zodiak Kids during the UK lockdown. Both teams worked remotely and successfully brought the project together while working from home. This included the presenters, Sidney Sloane and Rebecca Keatley, recording the audio for their parts in the game at home instead of in a studio.
Alexa voice skills have proven particularly popular with children, as they can be fun, interactive, educational and are hands-free. The lockdown brought with it a greater demand from parents for educational and fun activities for their children which Let’s Play: You Decide provides. The app is free to use in the UK and US (with the exception of In-Skill Purchasing game packs) and can be activated on any Alexa device or the Alexa mobile application available on iOS and Android.
Let’s Play: You Decide is now available on Amazon Alexa in the US.
🇺🇸 – To play in the USA just click this link or say “Alexa, Let’s Play You Decide” to your Amazon Alexa device
🇬🇧 – To play in the UK just click this link or say “Alexa, Let’s Play You Decide” to your Amazon Alexa device
Tom Smith, Co-Founder, FX Digital, said: “Working with Zodiak Kids on this project was an incredible experience. Let’s Play is such a great kids show and translating the amazing visual content into an audio experience was such a rewarding challenge for the team at FX Digital. We love making voice experiences that go above and beyond the usual elements that users expect and being able to work with the actual actors from the show was a real treat. I really believe that Let’s Play: You Decide takes the user on an immersive adventure and I hope the kids and adults that play it find it educational, fun and unforgettable!”
Gwen Hughes, COO, Zodiak Kids, added: “We are thrilled to be bringing Let’s Play to life on Alexa with FX Digital. This medium has been a natural fit for the property and a fantastic opportunity for us to be able to extend our brand into this new world!”